AngularAtom—Component-based organization for AngularJS 1.x apps (Part 2)

December 11, 2014

Global file conventions

  • an individual file should be created per each Angular resource (e.g. controller, directive, animation, service etc.) and the file name should incorporate the name of that particular resource, ex. login-directive.js, facebook-service.js, phone-animation.js. Do not combine multiple resources in one file.
  • the file name should be suffixed with the type of resource it contains, e.g. ...-model.js, ...-controller.js, ...-service.js and so on
  • unit tests should append _spec to the file name and be placed alongside each file the logic of which they are testing. There is no dedicated folder for the unit tests. This is done intentionally, so it is easier to locate the existing and the missing unit tests.

Level 1 organization

Now we are ready to start reviewing organization structure at level one. If you’ve missed my introduction post into component-based organization called AngularAtom, recommend reading it first before continuing further:

Application root

At first level, also known as application root, we break down our application into two main chunks:

  1. User generated application code
  2. Plus, everything else required for this application code to run.
  • _build/—destination directory for your automatic build program (e.g. gulp, grunt etc.) to write to. This is where you would usually point your development web server to and output:
    1. Development build, i.e. development specific project files. Make sure your build tool writes here the full version of JS libraries (not minified ones) and the source maps for all preprocessed files (e.g. CoffeeScript, SASS, LESS etc.) in order to aid your debugging experience. We prefix this directory with . intentionally, so it shows up at the top of directory listing.
    2. Production build, i.e. production ready release files. Therefore, the library files in this directory are concatenated and minified. It contains no source maps or anything that is not needed for your release to function in production mode.
  • app/—this is where all user-generated application source code goes to. A rule of thumb: if you didn’t write it, don’t place it here. Exceptions are the 3rd party libraries necessary to support a given component. Though, you didn’t write them, they are still placed inside app/components/[componentName]/vendor/ directory in order to maintain the integrity of a component.

  • bower_components/—container for the global 3rd party client libraries managed by the bower package manager

  • config/—contains all application configuration files required by your project. These include, but not limited to, config files for unit and e2e testing, web server setup, CI, deployments etc.

  • node_modules/—container for the global 3rd party Node.js libraries managed by the npm package manager

  • scripts/—container for all shell scripts used in the project, if any

  • specs/—container for various helpers, request specs, end-to-end specs (lifecycle tests using 3rd party APIs, no mocks) etc. Do not place unit tests here. They will be placed inside app/ directory alongside the logic they are testing (we’ll talk about this more in the future posts).

All other files placed in the root of an application (e.g. bower.json, pakages.json, etc.) are very common to any JS project and not really specific to the component-based organization of a project. Thus, we’ll not go into details about them.

As always, please feel free to comment on this post below.

Today my environment was:

  • Angular 1.3.5
  • AngularUI Router 0.2.12
  • Mac OS X 10.10.1